Thomas Paine and the welfare state

The first week of school is always ghastly–ghastly! Struggling to finish syllaboi, which always feel like I am locked into a schedule, which I of course hate, but absolutely need. This time it took me a really long time to figure out what I wanted to do with my urban studies class, and I went through this week and taught all my classes, and now I’m just tired. But I need to get back on the research horse. Unfortunately, both horse and I are merely giving each other the side-eye this morning with neither of us taking a step towards the other.

To that end, I thought I’d borrow some brilliance from Thomas Paine:

“Civil government does not consist in executions, but in making that provision for the instruction of youth, and the support of age, as to exclude, as much as possible, profligacy from the one, and despair from the other.”