Site icon Lisa Schweitzer

The oldest (?) man in New York City and its effort to become elder-friendly

HT to Micheal Leddy at Orange Crate Art.

The New York Times has a article about Carl Berner, believed to be the oldest man in New York CIty:

At 108, Still Pulsing With Vigor – City Room Blog –

If you navigate the page, you’ll find a story from last fall about Bloomberg’s effort to make NYC friendlier for the elderly. The best initiative in my book? The taxi and van voucher. That could really make a big difference in the lives of the seniors as they get somewhat less able to walk in NYC’s crowded streets. I know: bad me, advocating for cars. But taxis are among the most significant and most overlooked services for those without personal cars, as taxis can fill up the gaps in service hours or spaces where transit doesn’t go. And trust me, as a bus rider, taxis gives some relief to walkers and transit riders on bad days.

So much for The Pogues’ claim that New York is “no place for the old.”

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